In our last study, we ended with the question “Is the Holy Spirit a person?” A series of passages in the Gospel of John chapters fourteen to sixteen would seem to indicate that this is true. Jay and Tim dig a little deeper, discovering Old Testament parallels that reveal who Jesus is referring to when he mentions sending “The Helper, the Holy Spirit…”
Key verse:
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” John 14:26
- Introduction
- The Gender of the Holy Spirit
- Neuter in Greek, feminine in Hebrew, male in Latin – Does it matter? We have to be careful with grammar in other languages.
- The spirit is used in many ways – but why in some passages is it personified like it can be lied to (Acts 5:3), resisted (Acts 7:51) or grieved (Eph. 4:30)?
- There is a Spirit of God the Father and a Spirit of the Son but there is one passage in particular where the Spirit is personified in the masculine gender separately from the Father and Son.
- The Helper of John 14-16
- The Parakletos (par-ak’-lay-tos) in John 14-16, The Helper (ESV, NKJV, NASB), Comforter (KJV), Advocate (NIV, NET, NLT) (14:16-18, 26; 15:26; 16:7, 13)
- The angels = ministering spirits (Heb. 1:13-14)
- Old Testament comparisons (Ex. 23:20-22; Isa. 63:9-11)
- Jesus and the angels (1 Pet. 3:22; Rev. 1:1-2)
- Angels and Spirit in the Acts (Acts 8:26, 29)
- Conclusion
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