Overcoming Temptation

With all this talk about sin on the podcast lately, it’s about time we discuss some practical matters on how to overcome temptation. Stephen joins Tim to discuss the Biblical definition of temptation and provide examples and stories to help us in our fight against sin. Find out what it means to “not pack a snack for the flesh”.

Key Verse:

“Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.” James 1:13-14

Show Notes:

Temptation Defined

  • Temptation a major topic of the Bible from Genesis
  • James 1:12-14 defines temptation and our need for God
  • Desires are not bad in themselves (Luke 22:15)
  • The worlds overwhelming temptations. Lusts that war against our souls (1 Peter 2:11)

Recognize Temptation

  • Where temptation originates (James 1:13)
  • The example of Samson (Judges 13&14)
  • The categories of lusts in the world (1 John 2:15-16)

Overcoming Temptation and Sin

  • Jesus’ instruction in the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:13)
  • Taking God’s escape route, fleeing temptation (1 Corinthians 10:12-14)
  • Practical points: David (Proverbs 28:13), Paul (Romans 7:18-23)
  • Do not make provision for the flesh (Romans 13:14)

Practical Points for Discipleship

  • The need for prayer (Philippians 4:6-7)
  • Guards – why you have them, how to implement
  • Jesus’ example in the wilderness temptation using the word of God (Matthew 4)