Rightly Handling the Word of Truth

For the kick off of Season 7, we are very pleased to have Jason Hensley joining us. Jason shares the awkward moment that challenged how he read the Bible. This drove him to write a book called “The Bible in Context“. We review the important points of his book and undergo some paradigm shifts along the way. The result is a whole new way of reading the Bible in context.

Key Verse:

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” (2 Tim. 2:15)


  1. Introduction
  2. Determining Intent
    1. The challenges of interpreting the Bible
    2. The importance of context and the author’s intent (2 Peter 3:15-16 cp. 2 Tim. 2:15) and God’s intent
    3. Recognizing bias and the importance of learning in a community
  3. Historical Content
    1. Cultural, contemporary, geographical
    2. Example of Psa. 121:1
    3. Determining historical context
  4. Literary Content
    1. The immediate verses (Example of Lucifer Isa. 14:12)
    2. Context of a book
  5. The Biblical Content and Divine Intent
    1. Example of demons
    2. Meaning beyond the author (1 Peter1:11)
  6. Principles and Applications
    1. Study and application
    2. Principles defined
    3. Example of Satan vs God’s Sovereignty
  7. Conclusion

Jason Hensley links

Webpage: https://www.jasonhensley.net/

Get the book on Amazon: The Bible in Context

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The Joy of Bible Marking

Why would you write in your Bible? Marking our Bibles is a great way to make it personal. It helps us to get it into our heart and to have a ready answer. Tim and Josh discuss different types of Bible marking with lots of examples of what they’ve found to be helpful.



  • What is Bible marking? Why do it?
  • Wide margin Bibles
  • Getting into a routine

Why Personalize Your Bible?

  • Duty of a King to write out the law (Deuteronomy 17:18)
  • It is about getting it into your heart (Proverbs 7:1-3)

Types of Bible Marking

  • Identifying words
    • Love – Agape / Phileo (1 Peter 1:22)
    • God – El / Elohim
    • Church – Ecclesia
    • World – Kosmos / Aion
    • Character traits of God (Exodus 34:6)
  • Contextual repetition
    • Seeing the context (Genesis 11:1-9; Luke 12:16-21; Mark 12:30,33 cp. v.44; Matthew 4:1-10)
    • Understanding organization and structure (Revelation 1-3; Matthew 5; Zechariah 1-6)
  • Topical notes / Theme studies
    • Using the back of your Bible
    • Chain reference marking

Talk 22 / Class 4 – The Spiritual Habits of the Saints of God (Roger Lewis)

Christadelphian Bible Talks
Christadelphian Bible Talks
Talk 22 / Class 4 - The Spiritual Habits of the Saints of God (Roger Lewis)

Class 4: Mastering the Skill of Scriptural Reasoning (Roger Lewis) – Speaker is Roger Lewis at the 2016 Mid-Atlantic Christadelphian Bible School given to a teenage audience.

Talk 22 / Class 2 – The Spiritual Habits of the Saints of God (Roger Lewis)

Christadelphian Bible Talks
Christadelphian Bible Talks
Talk 22 / Class 2 - The Spiritual Habits of the Saints of God (Roger Lewis)

Class 2: Building a Strong Bible Study Program (Roger Lewis) – Speaker is Roger Lewis at the 2016 Mid-Atlantic Christadelphian Bible School given to a teenage audience.

Talk 15 / Class 7 – Eyes to See and Ears to Hear (Stephen Palmer)

Christadelphian Bible Talks
Christadelphian Bible Talks
Talk 15 / Class 7 – Eyes to See and Ears to Hear (Stephen Palmer)

Class 7: “When the NT quotes differ from the Hebrew scriptures.” – Speaker is Stephen Palmer at the Texan School of the Prophets 2018.

Talk 15 / Class 5 – Eyes to See and Ears to Hear (Stephen Palmer)

Christadelphian Bible Talks
Christadelphian Bible Talks
Talk 15 / Class 5 – Eyes to See and Ears to Hear (Stephen Palmer)

Class 5: “Hearing the Voices of the Prophets (Part 1)” – Speaker is Stephen Palmer at the Texan School of the Prophets 2018.

Talk 15 / Class 4 – Eyes to See and Ears to Hear (Stephen Palmer)

Christadelphian Bible Talks
Christadelphian Bible Talks
Talk 15 / Class 4 – Eyes to See and Ears to Hear (Stephen Palmer)

Class 4: “Comparing Scripture with Scripture – Inverted Parallism” – Speaker is Stephen Palmer at the Texan School of the Prophets 2018.