Class 6: “For a wider door for the effectual work is opened to me” – Speaker is Ron Abel
A PODCAST: Discovering the marvel of God's word together
Class 6: “For a wider door for the effectual work is opened to me” – Speaker is Ron Abel
Class 5: “To each is given the manifestation of the spirit for the common good” – Speaker is Ron Abel
Class 4: “If anyone imagines he knows something, he does not know as he ought to know” – Speaker is Ron Abel
Class 3: “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful” – Speaker is Ron Abel
Class 2: “He shall be saved, but only by fire” – Speaker is Ron Abel
Class 1: “So that no human may boast in the presence of God” – Speaker is Ron Abel
Season 2 starts where we left off last season with the question, “Where is Genesis 2:7 quoted in the New Testament?” This leads on a journey to understand Paul’s message about the resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15. Along the way, our Bible study reveals to us the meaning of the word “soul” and its connection with Psalm 49. Listen in as Tim Young and Steven Macfarlane discuss this essential Bible study.
The table used for the reading of contrasts in 1 Corinthians 15 can be found here.
Class 6 – “Ye Cannot Drink the Cup of the Lord and the Cup of Devils” under the theme “Let Him That Thinketh He Standeth (1 Cor. 8-10)”. Speaker is John Martin at the 1998 Southwest Texas Bible School. Continue reading “Talk 2 / Class 6 – Let Him That Thinketh He Standeth (John Martin)”
Class 5 – “These Things Were Our Examples” under the theme “Let Him That Thinketh He Standeth (1 Cor. 8-10)”. Speaker is John Martin at the 1998 Southwest Texas Bible School. Continue reading “Talk 2 / Class 5 – Let Him That Thinketh He Standeth (John Martin)”
Class 4 – “All Things Unto All Men” under the theme “Let Him That Thinketh He Standeth (1 Cor. 8-10)”. Speaker is John Martin at the 1998 Southwest Texas Bible School. Continue reading “Talk 2 / Class 4 – Let Him That Thinketh He Standeth (John Martin)”