Class 4: “Being a Soldier of Christ” – Speaker is Stephen Whitehouse at the Manitoulin Island Bible Camp 2019
A PODCAST: Discovering the marvel of God's word together
Class 4: “Being a Soldier of Christ” – Speaker is Stephen Whitehouse at the Manitoulin Island Bible Camp 2019
Class 3: “Examples to All That Believe” – Speaker is Stephen Whitehouse at the Manitoulin Island Bible Camp 2019
Class 2: “The Royal Triplet” – Speaker is Stephen Whitehouse at the Manitoulin Island Bible Camp 2019
Class 1: “A Persecuted Ecclesia” – Speaker is Stephen Whitehouse at the Manitoulin Island Bible Camp 2019
Exhort and Intro – Speaker is Stephen Whitehouse at the Manitoulin Island Bible Camp 2019
This is the second part of our study on the Coming of the King in 1 Thessalonians. Paul encouraged the Thessalonians in their hope of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven. This is our hope too. Tim and Stephen converse on the importance of making this a reality and living our lives as if we were already in the Kingdom of God.
The music at the end is “Crown of Rejoicing” from the “Even So, Come” CD. Used by permission.
Overheads with “the royal triplet” can be found here.
You can listen to the full set of classes on Thessalonians by podcast or online
This episode is broadcast from a special place, the Manitoulin Island Christadelphian Bible Camp with a special guest. You’ll have to listen in to find out who it is. He shares with us his studies in Paul’s epistles to the Thessalonians with its emphasis on the coming of the King, the Lord Jesus Christ. The word “coming” is the Greek parousia and has a special cultural and historical significance. Our guest also shares with us an essential Bible study concerning faith, hope, and love, which he calls “the royal triplet”. This is part 1 of 2.
Overheads with “the royal triplet” can be found here.
You can listen to the full set of classes on Thessalonians by podcast or online