Welcome to Season 5!
Part of being a good Bible student is being a good Bible reader. Wayne Coutu joins Tim Young for a conversation about the importance of consistent daily Bible reading and how to go about it.
Website with the daily readings and commentary – The Daily Bible Readings
YouVersion app with daily reading planner
Apple app – Daily: Bible Reading
Key verse: Rev. 1:3
- God speaks to us through his Word (like a missed call or voicemail)
- We speak to God through prayer (like wanting to share good/bad news with a friend)
- Matt. 7:21-23 – God wants a relationship with us but he has to know us (Gal. 4:9)
The Importance of Reading God’s Word daily
- Rev. 1:3 – Read, hear and keep
- Deut. 6:6-9 – Heart, teach children, talk of them, sign upon hands, upon posts and gates of the house
Reading with a Plan
- The Bible Companion (dailyreadings.org.uk)
- The benefits of reading with others / reading aloud
- Sometimes we wonder why we are reading. The answer may be there immediately or later.
- Read with an objective – ask questions, look for themes
Final conclusion – Attention vs Intention